Thursday, September 11, 2014

What to bring, What to bring?

So it's official!! I am planning on a half year trip of backpacking through Europe, possibly Southern Asia, and Africa!

My first post is obviously going to be before I leave because after hours and hours of researching everyone's opinions on the inter webs of what to bring and what not to bring, I have found what I want to bring. So now lucky you, you get another opinion on what is good and what is bad. Let's begin!

     First off I am going to start with the bag I plan on packing up with everything I am going to need. Yes, ladies, I said ONE bag. Seems impossible right? Well the simplest way to think of it, is you only need to pack for 2 weeks worth, and I'll explain that in a little bit. But first, my backpack. Like Dora, you are going to need someone who will always be there for you when you sing it's name over and over again. If it's not durable, you are going to find yourself spending precious money on something that could have been avoided. Now you can just watch all those fun times fly right out of your wallet dear friend, or you can head my warning. DO NOT GO CHEAPSY!! On all of things you can find bargains on, this is not one you want to find. This thing can easily last you a lifetime, it'll only require a small fee of about $100- $200.
     Okay so first things first, you are going to have to choose which style of backpack you like. I like the ones that are called front opening travel bags, because like a suitcase, you can get into there and see everything while it's not so big that it makes me look like 5 year old with an adult backpack because my mom wants me to grow into it! You don't have to dig to the bottom for you undies too, which is a miracle in and of its self.  They will be right on top like everything else. has a lot of good deals, but personally I don't want to wait for the shipping. I kinda need my backpack pretty quickly as I am leaving right after I get paid! So lucky for me I have an REI store about 20 minutes away from me. The Ofsprey brand tends to have the highest ratings and seems to be the most used by experienced long term travelers. So that's what I went with. I would recommend going into the store, even if you are going to buy one online, because you get to see the sizes and feel the materials it is made from. And when you are small like I am (5'0" and counting) it's good to see if the backpack will feel too big on your back and if it's comfortable or not.
     For your back pack you are going to want to have some luggage locks that you can lock your zippers with as well as a chain and padlock, just in case the hostels you stay in don't have lockers. This way you can chain and lock your backpack to a non-movable object to prevent theft.

Alright well let's get started on what is going to go in my backpack now!

#1     Comfortable shoes!

It seems like this one can NOT be stressed enough. After reading a million and one blogs and watching too many vlogs to count, the number one topic is always shoes.
For me personally I've found that everything good comes in threes.

-A.  I am going to need a damn good pair of comfy everyday shoes. Toms is my choice, of     course, because I've found that I can not only run in them, walk in them, and light hike in them; but they also work with my foot arch so well that I have never once had tired feet from wearing these babies. And they are light weight which means when I pack them away, they aren't going to feel like I am carrying a pair of boots! Plus, they donate a pair to someone in need! I mean how much better can it get? All I need to do is waterproof them and I will be set to go. (Helps slow down the wear and tear process)

-B.  Next comes along some flipflops. Now I know what you're thinking. Why in the world would you ever want to pack flipflops for a trip to Europe and Africa, maybe Asia? Well you are in luck my friends because I am about to share with you a bit of information that is so valuable you might pass out from it's glory! Flipflops are a Godsend because they can save you from having to wear shoes that make your feet hot, they also are amazing for sandy beaches (which I am planning on visiting because deep down I'm a beach bum. West Coast are you reading this??! Can I get a what??), and they will make sure that when you are showering in hostels across the country or sharing someones bathroom you decided to couchsurf from, you aren't stepping on the same floor as the guy that had foot fungus. I don't know about you, but I want to make sure that my feet and my health are my top priorities while traveling. I mean who would want to painfully walk around and miss all the incredible experiences?! Let's get real here.
-C. And last but most definitely not least, running shoes. I know that Tom's are amazing and I can run with the silence of a ninja in them, but sometimes shoes dump you. By dump, I mean they break. It's better to be safe than sorry anyways right? But on top of it, if you are for some  reason having a hard time in the flats or Tom's you brought along, running shoes were built to support your foot a little bit more. So it might help in the long run. I'm so punny it's not even funny.

#2      A day bag and a few necessities

What this is is a little backpack inside your big backpack! Backpackception! This one is also very highly recommended to bring from most experienced long period travelers. I think, personally, that it would be very nice to have one because when you go touring a city, you don't want to be carrying your heavy bag with everything inside of it! I mean it's good to get exercise but please muscle man, just set down the weights and enjoy yourself for once. Now for me personally, I want an over the shoulder bag for my day bag that is pretty cheap. It seems like it would be harder to steal it from me if it can't be slipped over my shoulders with a simple tug like a normal backpack. Plus it is a lot more accessible and I don't have to sling it off my back every time I want to grab something (I know I'm a lazy pants). Also on this bag it would not be a bad idea to have little luggage locks on the zippers of this one as well. Just in case you ever need that extra protection. Inside your day bag you are going to want a few things with you at all times.

-A. If you forget this, you shouldn't even be traveling right now. A tiny first aid kit of  course!!! Because you know what, as Ellie Goulding once said, "anything can happen." And yes, we aren't kids on the playground anymore where any scrape calls for a band-aid, but just in case that while you are trekking through the wilds of the unexplored and you come across a ravenous beast of sorts (or you just trip trying to get onto you bike, which would definitely be me), it would be better than not to have a little hand sanitizer, Neosporin, and some plastic things that if they get wet fall off anyways to cover that shit up at least while it soaks in. I mean come on, you can go to Walmart and get these little kits for a dollar! You cheapskate.

-B. A little Ibuprofen or Tylenol never killed anyone when used properly. (That was little too dark, Erin... Get your head in the game girl!) So I have a news flash for you. You're a human! Congratulations! Welcome to the club of certain headaches, cramps, and pains from so many different things. Trust me when I say you are going to need this. If you plan on staying for a month or a year, it doesn't matter. Once again it is always better to be safe than sorry. Plus if you come across a fellow traveler that forgot this, you could be the knight in shinning armor and slay that dragon like fire she might have building in her calf muscle. That would be the best pick up line ever. Seriously if a guy asked me that I would be ready  to marry him on the spot.

-C. A book and a journal with a pen. Now I know. you will be exploring and so will I. But we get tired and we will have times where we will have to sit around and wait. Now a book is obviously to entertain, but here is why you will want your journal with you in your day bag. You will never know when you will have a chance to do your daily entry! You need to have that on the go! Just like Anne Franke you will be experiencing history. Maybe not on such a pessimal scale but it will change your life forever all the same. So DOCUMENT IT!  And seriously, pick a flower and smash it between the pages like a teenage hormonal girl! I promise, it will be one of the best souvenirs you will bring back.

-D. Now this next one should be a no brainier, unless you plan on staying inside all the time. Bring a hat, sunscreen, and sunglasses. No matter where you are, the sun can still kill you. I'M SERIOUS!! Haven't you seen that freaky video about what you look like with out sunscreen on through an UV lens? Here, check it out by clicking here. You will never go without again! Bring some bug repellant too. The best way to prevent malaria is by not getting bit.

-E. Keep copies of your passport with you. You never know when you are going to need them. Also a whole bunch of extra passport photos would be a really good idea, because when you apply for visas to get into certain countries, you are going to need one handy!

-F. Now some medicines other than the basics that you are going to want with you are Azithromycin (which helps kill bacteria in your stomach when you get food poisoning) and Doxycycline Pills (which are anti-malaria and also cure acne believe it or not! Two birds, one stone). Now you all know what malaria is right?? No?? Awesome let me just tell you then. Malaria for the most part is caused by infected mosquitoes. Just so you know it's a parasite, which in a very basic explanation are tiny bug like creatures that live inside their host, which could be you! So these little tiny bugs live inside your blood cells and then as soon as they reach your liver, they live there until they grow into their next adult stage. Kinda like Pokemon, but you definitely don't want to "catch them all" in this game. But some of the symptoms for malaria are the chills, vomiting, sweating, muscle aches, headaches, fevers, comas, convulsions, anemia, and best of all bloody stools! (Not your kitchen stools ladies, your shit.) But no worries there is hope! They have a cure that works for the most part... But last year they treated 300 to 500 million people for malaria and 1 million of them died... Also for the most part these guys like the tropics and the subtropics, so just know that if you go anywhere warmer, you will want these pills. While we are here too, bring your allergy medication as well as some anti-diarrhea pills  which you can easily find at a drug store.

-G. Alrighty here is one you would never think of but according to so many travelers it is just simply a fact of life to have. Toilet paper. In third world countries, this stuff is way too hard to find. So if you want a nice clean bum, bring it. But just so you know, if you are planning on going to some first world countries before you head to the third world ones, just grab some there. Don't bother packing it up at home.

#3      Toiletries

Now this part can get pretty difficult, well at least for girls. I know you want to pack every thing you have in your bathroom, because I do too. But unfortunately we can't. Unless of course you are the wonderful Mary Poppins. For a while it's going to be about pony tails and buns, hats and bandannas, and little to no makeup. Packing up your hair dryer and your big bag of endless makeup you think you use but never do is only going to make you regret ever being born female. It's time to think like a man! Because Mr. I'll make a man out of you!
Now a lot of people tend to pack these things in a little plastic zipper bag for easy use.

-A. Deodorant from the home land. When you travel to a different countries, it is so much harder to find a deodorant you like that actually works! So take a couple of your favorite brand so that you aren't stinky from all that exploring. Because no matter what country you go to, you aren't going to want to smell like B.O.

-B. Tooth Brush and tooth paste. Now these can be bought abroad for sure. A lot of things can be, such as shampoo and conditioner, body soap, lotions, etc. But if you are picky about anything and don't want to have to see if they have it somewhere else, just pack it up with you. Which is what I am doing because I like the things I have. Plus I get everything from Lush, which I know they have in the U.K, but don't know if it's anywhere else.

-C. Dry Shampoo!!!! Ladies, this is a definite must. If you ever have a day where you can't make it to the shower, and you have been walking around all day so your hair got oilier than fast food, this can save you from hiding in shame. Just spritz a bit in your hair and you are set to go! I like the lush powdered dry shampoo because it doesn't leave the halo affect on darker hair. (Little tip for you, if you ever need to pack anything you think might spill or overflow on the flight, stick a piece of plastic wrap between the lid and the opening and you won't have to use a baggie. Save mother Earth! Use less plastic you hippie!)

-D. Bring your razor or a cheap electric razor that can get the job done. Getting lost in the unknown, doesn't mean it's acceptable to become big foot.

-E. Now if you are going to go to the third world, bring some hard soap for washing clothes. They have ones that just look like bars of soap you would use for washing up, but they are the equivalent of soaps we stick in the washers here in America. Super cheap for the most part, just make sure they are biodegradable so if you can't find a basin, you can just use river.

 -F. Ok and ladies here is the part you have been waiting for. Makeup and hair products. Now I know that for some us it seems like a necessity to have these two things and to be prepared for any kind of style that could ever be imaginable, even if you don't like how it looks. Here's what I am doing. The stuff that I use on a daily basis, can go. The stuff I don't use, don't need. Simple as that. You won't have room for all the extras so just don't bring them! If you are lucky like me and are growing your hair out from a pixie cut, you can bring some things you wouldn't use like hair ties and headbands just for when it actually does get long enough. That is, if you are going to stay as long as I am. Also for you ladies, bring enough pads and tampons or other feminine products to last you at least for a month or two. You can buy more when you actually get over there if needed.

#4      An all purpose bag

Fill this up with things you may need through the year or so while trekking. Bring things like duct tape (The redneck in me believes that anything can be fixed with duct tape or WD-40. If it's moving and it shouldn't be, tape it up. If it's still and it should be moving, lube it up), a small sewing kit, a lighter, some super glue, a small mirror that's unbreakable, a spork preferably with a serrated edge that acts as a knife, a clothes line and some clothes pins if needed, a stain removal stick, a pair of  nail clippers, and some safety pins are all recommended for sure. You can store this inside a freezer Ziploc bag and it should last you the length of the trip. Freezer bags are harder to rip. Also you will want to bring along a pot, and a plastic bowl and plastic cup. If you stay somewhere in a hut, you may end up wanting to use your own utensils because you will never know how clean they really are. Just better safe then sorry again. Also good for camping if you ever decide to go.

#5      Electronics

This is the part where everyone is going to start hating my guts. Please oh please, do not bring anything other than a laptop, a camera, and a disposable phone. If you have a smart phone then bring that and leave the laptop at home and save some room. WiFi is every where folks, but the point of going out and exploring is being able to EXPLORE! Sticking your head down in your lap only makes you look boring and uninterested, and it will make you miss out on a ton of the stuff that is going on around you. I promise you will survive. Either way though, you will need a universal power converter to charge things. Not all of the plugs will fit you chargers the way they should. Also if you are going to be talking to your family, just Skype them so that you don't have any extra charges on your next phone bill.

#6      Clothing

Now you are going to hate me even more!! Hooray!
This is where the part about only packing for two weeks comes into play. I know I know it sucks but I promise that everyone on here recommends leaving your closet at home.

-A. Bring some basics, like shorts, pants, and tee shirts. But also bring some more fancy things like dresses or button ups with a nice pair of pants, just in case you decide you need a little more of a classier experience. For me though, pants and tees are my thing. Also bring a belt for falling pants. Typically leather lasts the longest.

-B. Now when it comes to underwear, only pack enough for a week. You only need to change your underwear once every couple of days and it will save you so much room. Same thing goes with your socks. I promise you won't regret it. Also find some smart wool socks if possible. They keep your feet at a nice temperature that isn't too hot or too cold. Plus they eliminate smell feet for the most part. Dude, efficient right?

-C. Bring a couple outfits for working out. Sweats are going to be your life saver sometimes. Whether you need them for some colder weather, or if you need them just to lounge around and be comfy for just a little bit, you will want these.

-D. Bring some pajamas. You don't sleep in your clothes at home right? So why would you do it when you are getting all sweaty like a fat kid staring at cake?

-E. Now bring a waterproof laundry bag that folds up nicely. It will be for all your dirty laundry and serves as a twofer by protecting your valuables if it gets kinda rainy or you have to go swimming down a river! Who knows, maybe you will just want to start your own Oregon trail game. But IRL.

-F. Also bring along a swimming suit and a travel towel. Just for the beach bums you know?

-G. Long underwear, a jacket and coat. For obvious reasons. Don't want your cut buns to freeze! Also a nice set of wool hat and gloves will definitely do you good.

#7       A few other nick-knacks 

-A. Bring a sleeping bag or a sleep bag! Two very different things. Sleep bags are just basically a sheet sleeping bag. Either way, it's good for when you go to a hostel and they charge you extra for bedding. This way you can say, "Bitch, I brought my own. I don't need! " Save as much money as you can.

-B. A rain jacket or an umbrella. Bring these with you especially if you are headed towards the tropics or subtropics. Believe it or not, it will probably rain.

-C. A bandanna! If you go anywhere sandy, or anywhere that mouth covering is really highly recommended, this will be needed!!! Also it works as a great adventures look if you tie it around your head. Real bad ass look right there. You will score all the babes.

-D. A smile!  If you go out there worried, bad things will happen. You attract what you are so be excited and exciting things will happen! I promise you that even in the times you will get lonely, it will pass. And most importantly remember that all things pass and nothing is permanent. Go have fun friends!

I will make another post soon about how to book flights the cheap way, and the best ways to spend your money wisely while traveling.

Have an amazing day and get out into the world!